Case Study: Document Future

Thomas Becker, Managing Director of Document Future, describes how he introduced Vmoso into his company to improve the quality of communication and collaboration and meet a challenging software release deadline.

Vmoso Sept 2016 release

We’re delighted to announce the immediate availability of the latest release of Vmoso. This is a major release, including:
– Vmoso Big Knowledge
– Vmoso Process Management
– Addition of tasks to Vmoso basic mod
– Vmoso Integration framework
– Enhancements to access control to support enterprise and affiliate users

This short video gives a brief introduction to some of these new features. For more details, please take a look at the release notes.

Capturing Knowledge At Source

The need for knowledge management has never been greater. The conversations we have today are the knowledge that other people will be searching for tomorrow. Capture them at source or lose them forever.

Device Independence

Mobile has changed the way we work. But for many knowledge workers, it’s not a seamless experience.

Vmoso is “people first”, and recognises that deskbound workers and mobile workers are equally important. Both desktop and mobile apps need feature parity – whatever you can do with one, you need to be able to do with the other.

Vmoso vs Email

Love it or hate it, email forms a major part of most knowledge workers’ communication. But few people still believe it’s the best tool for business communication and collaboration. In this video, we’ll take a look at the main problems with email, and how Vmoso addresses them.

Vmoso + Pepper + Watson

Pepper robots and Watson cognitive systems can help doctors to handle patients and make their hospital visits faster and nicer. Add Vmoso to the mix, and the patient stays connected with the hospital, preparing his visit, getting any visit data, and engaging with the hospital, from his smartphone.

Vmoso vs Group Chat

If you’ve become increasingly frustrated with email as your main business communication tool, you’ve probably looked at using a group chat tool like Slack, Hipchat, Facebook for Work, WeChat or Line. But if you’ve used any of these for any length of time, you’ll have realized that not only do they fail to address many of email’s problems, they introduce new problems of their own. In this video, we’ll take a look at how Vmoso addresses the most common problems people see with group chat tools.